Saturday, April 08, 2006

Father's Rights and Custody Modification in Missouri

We started this forum to help dads who want to try to gain custody of their children or just find out about their legal rights in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area or just in the state of Missouri. We just went through a custody modification and won sole legal and sole physical custody. How does that happen??? We are still trying to figure that one out.

While we went through the child custody modification(for over a year), I searched everywhere on the internet to find information to help men and their rights for child custody. There really wasn't anything beneficial.

If you have any beneficial advice, questions or you just want to tell your story, please feel free to add it. We currently have under construction. We may be able to add your stories or advice to the site in the future.

Thanks and Good Luck!


DadsDivorceKC said...

If you are in the state of MIssouri I would recommmend going to your county courthouse ask the court clerk for paperwork for a Motion for Family Access. There will be a fee associated with it but it's not anything close to what an attorney would cost.

A Motion for Family Access works like a reverse Ex Parte Order, so to speak.

You will need to have a

1. description and photos of your house;
2. how you will provide for the children while in your care during visitation;
3. anything about your vehicle from how many people will it seat to whether it is reliable and having car seats if needed;
4. make sure your child support is taken care of, if not and you are behind you need to get in touch with the Parent's Fair Share program thru the state of Missouri.

If you need anymore help let me know. But always remember you are better off consulting an attorney. If you need a suggestion on an attorney let us know. We know a few. GOOD LUCK!

Anonymous said...

My ex and I share joint custody of our 7 year old daughter, but she lives with me primarily. Her mother and I make verbal agreements about changes to the parenting plan and we follow them for a time, usually until she gets mad at me for something stupid, then she reverts back to the original (3 year old) parenting plan. The agreements are made about where and when to do exchanges since we've both moved since the old plan was issued. I need advice on getting the parenting plan changed to be more permanent and accommodating to our new residences. Also, I think i got the shaft on what the judge ordered her to pay to me for child support. Any way I can get that increased? She is behind on her child support but making payments, and on probation for failure to pay her support.

modad said...

I need help! I lost my career of over 14 years due to an injury in 2003. I have struggled to make my child support payments since then picking jobs that I could do and some that I couldn't. (because of my disability. I have put off having a fifth surgery that I need to try and pay my support, and truthfully can't afford to do both. I have fallen behind and now after insurance, taxes, and other normal deductions I still lose 50% of my net pay to child support. It has affected my relationship with my kids, I have tried to talk to DCSE and my ex and get nowhere. there is more to the story but this is the jest of it. I need help but more importantly, my kids need their dad.

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